Modern"ify" the UI

After using Mojeek for basically 2 days, I am pretty impressed with a search engine, that is built from the ground up without being dependent, the experience till now has been very pleasant and smooth. As I continue to use Mojeek, I can’t help but notice that the UI kinda looks old school. Some “very simple” tweaks to the UI could make it look much more consistent and modern.

Before getting into the explanation, here is a visual presentation of what “tweaks” we could implement that could make Mojeek look a lot more modern.

Similar design to what I am thinking in mind;

So to explain further just in case some things may not be clear;

  • Change the whole background to the dark black we have in the search results area, because right now, in the search box area, the background black is lighter.
  • Now use the lighter black inside/for the search box.
  • We can have a bubble/box for the search results as drawn in the first Mojeek image attached above. Use lighter black inside the box, though the outer background should continue to use the dark black just like the Neeva design.

  • Remove the white highlighting lines around the borders :point_up:

Screenshot 2022-04-20 132543

  • The Mojeek logo is also pretty close to the search box on the right of the logo itself, there is less space in there, so maybe we could make the Mojeek logo look slightly smaller :point_up:

Making the UI modern might already be in the timeline, but just putting this out so you folks get an idea, I am no professional UI designer haha, but just sharing some of my ideas and mentioning things that makes the current UI look old school. This feedback is actually pretty much about simple tweaks to the current UI itself, not changing anything major, but just putting it out there.

Really love the fact that the Mojeek team is listening to its community and excited to help you guys out with things I possibly can :slight_smile:

@Josh @Colin


Hi @Archit , UX / UI for Mojeek here. Thanks for having a look at the UI, I agree that our UI for the home and search pages does look a bit old school.

  • Agree that it could work to swap the darkness of the search box and background to match more modern UI. Having a slightly lighter black around results would also help to make them more distinguished as well as modernise it.

  • Removing the white lines entirely could cause the UI to be a little bit too blended and could potentially be a bit less accessible, however, making them a bit lighter could work too.

  • The Mojeek logo is too close, adding some padding on both side would definitely help.

Aprreciate the feedback, think you have made some great points! The UI is something that has come back to us a few times. As you mentioned it is on the timeline and is something I am personally looking to start working on soon. Your feedback will be taken into consideration when I start with the updates and it would be great to get more feedback from you and others in the community as the designs start to develop.


Hey @Tom,

Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration, as you work mainly on the UX / UI yourself, I am sure you have a lot of other great ideas. As you said, maybe taking all this into consideration including new ideas from the Mojeek team itself, we can put a lovely mockup if possible and continue from there as a community!


@Archit If you want to prototype the UI, you might try Stylus and see if it works for you.