Try this link

When you enter a query that doesn’t match any results, Mojeek shows a link with a suggestion. For instance, I regularly make the mistake to enter This, obviously, doesn’t return any result and the search engine suggests trying

What I noticed is that this link doesn’t take my Mojeek settings into account. For instance, I have set the dark theme and custom third party search selections. When I click that link, I don’t get my personal search selection and the theme turns into the default light one. This breaks the UX.

Any chance this ‘try this’ link could work while following the user preferences

This is a strange one @Videonas that I can’t replicate currently.

Are you able to DM me your Cookieless Preferences URL so I can try it with your setup?


Ah, apologies, early, should’ve asked @Videonas are you using a cookieless?

Oops. Perhaps I should’ve done some more testing on my end before posting here. I always forget that Mojeek works completely different from other search engines, so I forgot to test and add the relevant information.

Turns out, I am using cookieless (I’m generally a hybrid type of person, but this UX thing applies to cookieless). I’ve set the following link as my default search engine in my browser:,Ecosia,Qwant,Startpage

I’m searching using the address field in my browser. Therefore, I’m using that URL as my default.

With cookies, the settings do seem to be kept at first sight.

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no worries, I’ve raised an issue so we’ve got it on the board :pray:

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@Josh, not sure if you’ve made the issue on your board broad or specific. But the links in the Wikipedia box act the same.

I searched for Braveheart and clicked in the Wikipedia box on the link to Mel Gibson. I first thought that the Wikipedia page for Mel Gibson would open, but this link refers to a new Mojeek search for Mel Gibson. And that new search doesn’t respect user preferences if they aren’t saved in a cookie.

I figured, I would just let you know in case you raised a specific issue for the previous link I reported.

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Thanks for that extra detail @Videonas, I’ve added this in with the original issue :pray: