Yeah, because when you click it, the map gets aligned but the icon still pointing right. @Josh

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I think that permanently readjusting the icon to point North would be pretty simple; something that moved with the user’s alignment on the map might be a bit finnicky - would that change be more clear for yourself?

ccing @AshboDev here for something a bit more concrete

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is it because icon in its normal state it pointing right, cloud just a 45º offset fix it?

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Apologies I got my wires crossed in the original message, shouldn’t be too hard to fix as you’ve said so that the compass is pinned to North to begin with! :pray:


btw is the map manually updated?, and how often?

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For the moment, in the testing phase, it has not been updated, and we have some bits from this which need to be switched up off the back of user feedback (thanks to all).

Once live it should be updated every week, automatically pulling any fresh data from OpenStreetMap.

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