Noted and looking into this one also :pray:


Searching for Manipur zooms into the main body of India whereas the state is located in Northeast India along the border with Myanmar. In fact, the correct location is printed on the map.

Strange one this; try as I might I cannot replicate it currently across browsers. I’ll put a bookmark in to get some further questions asked when someone’s leave ends so we can ask the right questions and see what’s happening :pray:

I’m guessing this is the only location you’re finding that behaviour for?

I sent a reply to aloe. This is the only location where I’m having an issue. But, maybe we’re not on the same page. My search zoomed into the pin shown. I zoomed out to show Manipur on the eastern border. Generally, there seem to be issues where Maps will find a small locale and focus on that. So, I just meant this to be another test case. I don’t think there is anything special about this case.

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Cheers, formatwise that email is very useful!

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Ok, good to know. My new Linux distro saved my recording as webm. Discourse won’t accept that. So I attached it to an e-mail.

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Maps was able to find the county seat of Martin County.

The only issue might be that political borders like county/parish and state are not shown at this level of zoom.

on this one (and thanks for the video) we’ll be fixing it at some point :pray:

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I can’t find the country of Mozambique.

Maybe those are artificial islands with honorary names.

yes that looks like the issue, I’ll get it raised and well spotted! :pray:

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DuckDuckGo (MapKit?) has a UI feature that I use: Click and hold on the UI button to zoom out. Typically, a map starts zoomed in. And I have to click several times to zoom out before I can see the relevant area. I suppose a better feature would be to set a default zoom in the app’s preferences. But, in lieu of that, holding to zoom out saves some aggravation.


Zooming out from Millennium Park. DuckDuckGo Maps.


That is a neat feature, though I don’t find myself using those zoom buttons. There are other ways of zooming that work better for me.

For OSM, you can use scroll to zoom in or out, or there’s the ‘+’ and ‘-’ shortcut option. These methods also work for Mojeek Maps. According to OSM wiki, there’s also the ‘ctrl’ + ‘+’ and ‘ctrl’ + ‘-’ to zoom a lot, but these shortcuts interfere with browser shortcuts and therefore don’t work for me.



Maps correctly located Coal Valley, Ill.


i came here to report an issue and to ask for maps so it is good to see they are happening i will test them

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I’ve zoomed out a bit. But, I was able to successfully locate Raymond, Minnesota.

I’m interested because there was a railroad derailment involving hazardous materials which occurred there in 2023.

That’s an interesting experiment, one where both Mojeek and OpenStreetMap would benefit. I’d be glad to help in testing this feature. However, when I tried it, I got a blank page:

Has the experiment already ended?

You need JavaScript enabled for mojeek.com

But I didn’t block JavaScript… though it seems to be WebGL instead:

Transferring it to another browser profile with WebGL allowed resolved the problem.

Btw do you have any idea why WebGL is necessary for the map to function? This is the first time I’ve encountered a site that requires it.

If you right-click and drag, you will be presented with a 3D rendering of nearby buildings: London for example.

Oh so WebGL is necessary for 3D rendering? Thanks for the info!

But when I try to right-click and drag on a laptop’s trackpad, it would just zoom in or out. Are there other ways to trigger that 3D rendering?