Search Indexing Daily Searches Transparency

I know Mojeek likes to brag about how many pages they indexed on their social media platform. But is there any interest in making a website that tracks progress in detail how many pages were indexed recently or when. Like how duckduckgo does with their search traffic on daily searches keep track of how many searches that day and month. So that mojeek can be a little more transparency when it comes to their daily indexing or even search traffic which is also an idea.

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Apologies if it comes off as bragging, we see the index as something that’s of interest and also something that we’re proud of, so milestones and growth are always a thing we’re happy to shout about.

For Duck, you’re talking about this page right? I believe it used to contain a graph. Providing something like this for daily indexed pages and index size could be a cool visual. I’ll see what is possible.

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No need to apologize . I think it’s great that you like to shout out the size of the index and how many pages mojeek crawl per week. Still unlike most other search engines who are just meta engines or have their own index but use the results of big tech violators as well. And we don’t know how big or what results from their own engines or big tech engines. Would you also expand daily searches along with index pages like how duck does ?

We’ll have a look at what’s doable, we’ve got a whole host of different numbers outside of just the pages crawled which could be of interest. :grinning:

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