Seach index map updates

Did the Seach Index Map receive any updated after it’s initial release? I noticed that some search engines were missing from the map (Brave Search) and also saw an article from Qwant that they also have an own index. I can’t find any updates on that index that are more recent than that article from 2018, though. Unless the jointed force Synfonium is a way to improve that index


We’ve got a sitting task to give it a bit of an update. On Qwant, aside from things which have come out of them, there isn’t really much evidence that they have an index that would justify being put as anything other than a meta on the map. In fact, if you can read French, there is a decent amount in their media which would suggest there’s not really anything of note that they’ve crawled.

A very good read on this, from someone who frequents this forum, is this:

but there is also a fair bit on their Wiki (reasonably-recently updated) which gives you more on this situation:


Here’s a new update on the independence of Qwant by the company itself. By now, I have no idea as to what I should believe about Qwant having their own index, though.

Besides the controversy around the Qwant Search results and their marketing messages, there was also in the news earlier this year that the founder of OVH (big French hosting company) was going to buy the French search engine. He would have plans to create a European offering similar to Google’s. But then again, according to the Wikipedia article, the current management of Qwant doesn’t “dream of dethroning Google”?

Thought I’d just share the article for anyone interested. Guess you just make up for yourself whether you think Qwant has any sort of independent index or not.


they state their index is around 20b pages and it seems like their results are beginning to deviate more from bing

i tried to find their Graphee tool which look interesting but the link is busted

MetaGer the meta-search engine, the English language ver. in the US, has changed. They have gone to a two tier option of free or subscription.

For free tier, I’m seeing Yahoo instead of Bing plus Yandex plus Scopia on my searches. (Yahoo is powered by Bing so it’s still Bing only once removed.) The combination of Yahoo and Yandex for free search does differentiate this meta-engine from the other Bing clones.

Subscription gets rid of ads and you have the option to add Bing (why?), Brave and/or Mojeek to the meta-search.

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Yeah I saw them across a day about open web search giving away some credits. A similar change has been made by Million Short, who we thought had just stalled.

Interesting changes for sure.

You might want to wait and update the map after the US vs Google verdict comes in. A verdict against Google might spur changes in the search landscape, hopefully on a scale bigger than Bing’s price increase did.


Love the search engine map

Was there an update completed? It would be great if the github repo or some alternative like a link to this forum discussion was reopened so issues could be submitted.

My issue: Startpage has changed to use Bing and Google now

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Hi Nicole,

Thank you and welcome to the community.

Some of the updates in the thread above have been published. The change you point out certainly is one that is needed. This is something we periodically revisit, so we will include this. And we will be considering how we might make it available on a github repo.


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