Hi! I’ve been using Mojeek for some months and I like it quite a bit. I have an issue though which makes me reach for alternative search engines more than I would like to.
I work as a software developer; there are a few sites which I would like to rank higher in my search results or even include as if I had used " site:learn.microsoft.com site:mdn.com site:github.com site:wikipedia.org site:*" and that would influence the ranking of my results such that my preferred documentation sources appear first. Then I don’t have to type out eg site:github.com just because a good bug report might appear there. I would not miss secondary sources such as blogs.
The issue is that many sites with cookie banners & advertisments in combination with non primary information sources often appear high in my search results. I do not desire those to rank very high when I know that a framework or programming language maker is very reputable and include the information that I need.
Simply adding the sites to my query template in the browser might be workable but I would still like to get broad results for more obscure queries. The wildcard that I used in the example is not documented to have any meaning with Mojeek. I was checking here. Thanks again for a neat search engine.