Mike's Introduction to Markdown

One of the available syntaxes for Mojeek Discourse is Markdown.

You can find a quick reference for Markdown here:

Discourse uses CommonMark.

If your post has strange formatting that you want to get rid of, try escaping any symbols with backslash \

**Text in bold.** 

\*\*Text surrounded by asterisks.\*\*

Text in bold.

**Text surrounded by asterisks.**

Numbers might require a trailing period to be escaped.

1. Begin an ordered list. 

1\. A line that begins with the number one. 
  1. Begin an ordered list.

1. A line that begins with the number one.


If you are not familiar with Markdown, it is a simple code you can include in your prose to add formatting.

From John Gruber:

Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format ā€¦

ā€¦ The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like itā€™s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

In other words, if Markdown fails or you print the source code, Markdown can be read by humans.

Markdown retains relevant features from HTML (like links and lists), but it is much easier for humans to write and edit.


Here are some common examples of Markdown which I use.

Please see the References at the bottom of this post to learn more.

Inline Links

[Link text](http://example.com/)

Included as part of this pull is also an orientation quirk for the [GPD Win Max](https://www.mojeek.com/search?q=GPD+Win+Max). 

Link text

Included as part of this pull is also an orientation quirk for the GPD Win Max.

Unordered Lists

* Item
* Item
* Item

  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

If you want to create a blank line within a list, use an HTML comment.

* Item
* Item
<!-- --> 
* Item

  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

Block Quotes

> A large grass fire in Wise County, Texas on Monday sent horses fleeing from the area, and led to some houses in the area being evacuated.

A large grass fire in Wise County, Texas on Monday sent horses fleeing from the area, and led to some houses in the area being evacuated.

Code Span

Use `Get-ChildItem` to list the contents of the current directory. 

Use Get-ChildItem to list the contents of the current directory.

Code Block

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.com!</a>

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.com!</a>

It is possible to influence the syntax highlighting while using code fences. Note the missing color in this example.

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.com!</a>

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.com!</a>


## HTML H2
### HTML H3




Horizontal Rule

Before horizontal rule. 


After horizontal rule. 

Before horizontal rule.

After horizontal rule.





Discourse Meta has a good example for footnotes. Let me quote the documentation directly:

You can add footnotes to your posts by typing them in like this:

A sentence that needs a footnote. ^[The footnote] 
Another sentence that needs a footnote. ^[The second footnote]

Or like this:

A sentence that needs a footnote. [^1] 
Another sentence that needs a footnote. [^2]

[^1]: The footnote
[^2]: The second footnote

Both examples produce the same output:

A sentence that needs a footnote. [1]
Another sentence that needs a footnote. [2]

Image Etiquette

If you decide to embed an image, please fill in the alternate text which appears between the square brackets. For the visually impaired, this is all they know about your image. And this can be an aid to editors who might only have your source code.

![Alternate text.](http://example.com/image.jpg)

Markdown Link Bookmarklet

If you want a convenient way to generate Markdown links from Web sites that you have visited in your Web browser, below, Iā€™ve included a bookmarklet which will generate a link for you.

A bookmarklet is a small amount of JavaScript code that is saved in the address field of a standard, Web browser bookmark. This takes advantage of the JavaScript: scheme to run code against the current page. In our case, it allows a JavaScript prompt to pop up and display a link so that it can be copied:

Bookmarklet Code

To get started, just create a blank bookmark in your Web browser and paste the following code into the URL or address field in the bookmarkā€™s properties. I typically use ā€œMarkdown Linkā€ for the bookmarkā€™s name.

  var title = document.title; 
  var url = document.URL; 
  title = title.replace(/\u005b/g, "\\[");
  title = title.replace(/\u005d/g, "\\]");
  var myLink = "[" + title + "](" + url + ")"; 
  prompt("Markdown Link", myLink);

In case you are wondering, the code is escaped with backslashes twice: once for JavaScript and once for Markdown. This allows page titles which contain [square brackets].

Bookmarklet Use

To use the bookmarklet, click on its bookmark. A prompt will appear with the link inside. Then, copy the link from your Web browser to your text editor. Close the prompt in your Web browser when you are done.

Note: This works for Firefox and Vivaldi. Other browsers might not allow bookmarklets to work.

Vivaldi Quirks

I noticed two quirks while using the bookmarklet in Vivaldi.

The browser address field will be updated to reflect the JavaScript code. This means, for example, if you run the bookmarklet and then unbookmark the page, you will be deleting the bookmarklet and not the bookmark for the current page. It also means that the page URL will no longer show in the address bar. To fix these issues either: 1) Refresh the page. 2) Right-click in the page body and choose the ā€œCopy Page Addressā€ option from the context menu.

Also, while the JavaScript prompt from the bookmarklet is showing, you wonā€™t be able to interact with the page. Click the Cancel button to close the prompt before you continue using the page.

Showing Markdown

It is possible to demonstrate Markdown code while using Markdown.

You can display simple examples in code blocks:



You can demonstrate nested examples by switching between fenced and indented code blocks:



* Learn more.

CommonMark Tutorial *

CommonMark Sandbox *

CommonMark Full Specification (Current) *

CommonMark Quick Reference

Discourse Features

CommonMark Home

Daring Fireball: Markdown

Supported Syntax Highlighting Languages | highlight.js (Latest)

HTML Headings | W3Schools

Bookmarklet | Wikipedia

URI Syntax | Wikipedia

Escape Character | JavaScript | W3Schools

Backslash Escapes | CommonMark Specification

Markdown Cheat Sheet | Markdown Guide

HTML comment tag | W3Schools

Footnote | Discourse Meta


  • Added Footnote
  • Fixed links.
  • Updated Image Etiquette
  • Creating an empty line in an unordered list.
  • Added Strikethrough
  • Fixed Bookmarklet Code

Created: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Updated: Wednesday, February 26, 2025

  1. The footnote ā†©ļøŽ

  2. The second footnote ā†©ļøŽ


@mike, this is ridiculously useful, so much so that Iā€™ve linked it in the on-boarding post to make sure it doesnā€™t get buried by other things to new users, thanks.

Thanks @mike . Concur with @Josh. Iā€™ll be using your post as a reference when writing here and elsewhere - eg Joplin - a product we love.

@Josh @Colin

Thank you.

I have my full draft saved locally. By default, new accounts are limited to two links. Here, I prioritized the quick reference and supported syntax highlighting languages. And the image was pulled in as content. It would be helpful if I could fill in the missing links. I can e-mail my draft to Aloe. Or I can update my post after my account is promoted. But I am not sure what the criteria for automatic promotion are.

Is there an explanation of the account ranks and criteria?

Kind regards,


Also, I intentionally used headings for each section. If you hover to the left of each heading, you will find an auto-generated link. You can use that to directly link to the content you would like to reference.

The account levels aspect is something we havenā€™t changed really at all from stock, so you can find the explanation on the Discourse site here; Iā€™ve bumped you up manually so that you donā€™t have to bother with fulfilling that criteria. We might take it down a notch or two as itā€™s quite a lot of hoops to jump through.

Kind regards back to you :grin:

I tried to update my post. And Iā€™ve sent an e-mail to Aloe explaining the situation. Let me know what you decide.

Thanks for sending it over @mike, from my end it looks like that did exactly what it needed to. It feels weird to overwrite someoneā€™s comment, but it was just with your own content so not so bad :grin: a brilliant and comprehensive guide.

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If youā€™d like to type a URL without auto-linking:


you can use a trick I picked up while working with WordPress.

If you encode text using HTML entities, the forum will not recognize it:


Just keep in mind that editing the post later might cause the encoded text to devolve into plain text. Any plain text links within the editor would then auto-link after updating the post. This is why I tend to edit offline and paste into the forum. Doing so preserves an uncorrupted draft.

For encoding, I prefer to copy and paste out of mothereff.in There, just make sure to uncheck ā€˜only encode unsafe and non-ASCII charactersā€™ to get fully encoded text. This is a suitable habit when frequently posting HTML.

However, if you want to make your life easier, you can just memorize the &period; entity which is enough to break the auto-link:


:blue_car: :dash:

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There is a bug with the bookmarklet. This version should work.

  var title = document.title; 
  var url = document.URL; 
  title = title.replace(/\u005b/g, "\\[");
  title = title.replace(/\u005d/g, "\\]");
  var myLink = "[" + title + "](" + url + ")"; 
  prompt("Markdown Link", myLink);

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