Help Needed: Error Code 504 - Gateway Timeout on Mojeek

Hi everyone,

I am facing an issue while using Mojeek, and I’m hoping someone here might be able to help or provide some insight. For the past couple of days, whenever I try to perform a search or access certain pages, I keep getting the following error:

Error Code: 504 - Gateway Timeout

When I was searching about this I came across to theses resources salesforce marketing cloud integration marketing cloud integration what-can-i-do-to-fix-a-504-gateway-timeout-error, as per them I tried the following-

As suggested, I’ve tried refreshing the page multiple times, waiting for several minutes in between attempts.

I cleared my browser cache and cookies, but the issue still persists.

I tested it on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to rule out a browser-specific problem.

I’ve accessed Mojeek from my laptop, smartphone, and tablet, all with the same result.

While on the other hand, other websites load without any issues, so it doesn’t seem to be a general internet connectivity problem.

If anyone has any insights or has faced a similar issue, please let me know. I’m eager to get this sorted out and get back to using Mojeek seamlessly.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hey @aylinyılmaz, are you able to get to Mojeek using a different internet connection, i.e. connected to someone else’s router or using 4G/5G?