Focus temporarily unavailable - now available again

Hey all, hopefully you’re enjoying the weekend. We’ve got some stuff to fix re: Focus so it’ll be turned off for a bit. Hoping to be able to re-enable either tomorrow or Monday.

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Focus is now re-enabled.

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Focus appears to be offline.

Apologies to start right at the basics, but is the cookie still about in: Explanation of contents within Mojeek cookie?

Should be:


My cookie is present.

When you got to: Search Settings - Mojeek right at the bottom are the links there also missing?

This stuff?

I am able to access the dashboard. I just don’t get the option to choose an engine from And I am missing the tab in the results.

In: are these toggled to on or off?

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That fixed it. These options were toggled off.

Is there a separate cookie expiration associated with these switches?

Yep this is right, we’ve pushed some updates yesterday off the back of feedback that we’re just suring up; as a result these are currently separated in how they’re handled cookie-wise

I went to record a setup GIF, but I noticed that Focus is not changing my results.

Draft GIF

Draft GIF for setting up Focus.

Hey @mike, strange one, can I check it’s still happening and I’ll see what we can do?

It is working for me now.