Down the rabbit hole of COVID we go

"It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed?" – Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information (source)

i’ve thought about making this post for some time because this is a highly controversial and complex topic, however i also feel obligated to share what i’ve learned through roughly 2 years of study

we cannot make educated decisions unless we’re educated and it is crucial that as many people as possible do the research because what we have seen thus far regarding the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is nothing compared to what is in store for the people of the world

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness." – Dr. Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of The Lancet, one of the worlds most respected, peer-reviewed medical journals, 2015 (source)

Louis Pasture is recognized by some to be the father of modern virology

Robert Koch worked with Pasture to develop protocols for virus isolation

Thomas River rewrote the Koch postulates, relaxing the criteria for virus isolation

Pasture essentially admitted on his death bed that ‘germ theory’ – the theory that viruses exist and can be transmitted – was, shall we say, ‘flawed’

ol’ Louie refused to divulge his notes until after his death at which time it was discovered he was a fraud; that he fudged experiments in order to produce a desired result

Koch was never able to isolate a single virus according to his own postulates - either was anyone else since and the same is true using the relaxed River’s postulates

do you see where this is going?

"[…] no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available […]" – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 13-Jul-2020 (source)

it isn’t a question as to the effectiveness of masks or distancing or lockdowns, it is a question of whether or not viruses, as defined by virology, even exist - remember, it’s called germ theory because it’s never been proven

"Wearing a mask is like advertising you failed your IQ test." – Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, Board Certified Emergency Physician (source)

so then the logical question is why do people get sick, sometimes many at once?

enter terrain theory which seems to make infinitely more sense when one studies it

allot of people get sick in the winter - why? well, what happens in the winter? we cover our skin when we go outside; we don’t spend as much time outside; we’re not breathing as much fresh air; we’re not exercising as much; some of us tend to be more depressed

any one of these things can compromise the immune system - a lack of sun on the skin means a lack of vitamin D3 which is crucial for a healthy immune system, as is fresh air and exorcise

just thinking that you can “catch a virus” from someone that is sick can potentially make you sick - this is like the placebo effect in reverse

the placebo effect should be taken much more seriously than it is

people participating in a double blind, placebo controlled study may be given the real drug, or they might be given a placebo, and somewhere around 40% of the time, those given the placebo experience the same positive effects as those given the drug… right up until the time they are told that they received the placebo, after which the symptoms are likely to return

think about that long and hard

the power of thought alone can and will affect the physical and i think the placebo effect proves this out

this is all nonsense you say! of course there are viruses! vaccines eradicated the polio virus!

well, the evidence says otherwise - the polio vaccine wasn’t available until polio was already well into a decline, after which there was a spike in polio

the rise and fall of polio very closely matches the rise and fall of the use of toxic pesticides such as DDT

there are many more example like this for other so-called “viruses” and pandemics - the point is, all kinds of things can make people sick, both internal and external - viruses are not needed to explain disease or large outbreaks of disease

HIV, the “virus” that causes AIDS

it has absolutely never been proven by anyone anywhere that a) HIV exists (has been isolated) or b) that it causes disease

first of all, there is no standard definition for AIDS - it changes depending on the country that defines it and in some places the definition is wildly arbitrary

secondly, AIDS was often associated with the homosexual community - how about that; a “virus” that knows if you’re gay! sounds kind of like a corona virus that can tell time which is why the bar has to close before it ‘comes out’

drug use in the homosexual community is high and among these drugs is a highly toxic commercial solvent called ‘poppers’ (brand name Rush) that destroys the immune system

AIDS is simply a collection of diseases caused by a severely compromised immune system

similarly, there is no SARS-CoV-2 “virus” (the alleged virus that causes COVID-19) - no one has an isolate and if you try to purchase a pure, organic sample to study, you’ll find you can’t

the SARS-CoV-2 genetic code was constructed using contaminated tissue and the missing pieces were filled in with genetic code from GenBank - the alleged virus was never found and isolated in a human being

nor was any other virus. ever.

the science of virology is largely pseudoscience and this becomes apparent when one understands how virologists “isolate” a “virus”

any reasonable person would define isolation as separating a thing from all other things, however this is totally not how isolation/purification is defined in virology

virologists take some tissue which is thought to be diseased and mix it with fetal bovine serum and antibiotics (toxic) and other junk - in other words, they create conditions which do not exist in nature - then, when the cell dies from being poisoned, it breakes down and produces debris (exosomes) and wala! virologists call this debris a “virus” , then Big Pharma steps in to create a “vaccine” worth potentially billions of dollars annually

"It is scary how many similarities there are between this industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry." – Peter Rost, former Pfizer Vice President of Marketing (source)

the whole science of virology is constructed upon the fraudulent work of people like Lois Pasture and Robert Koch who made allot of money and achieved god-like status as a result of their transparently flawed work

the virus model they created is now grandfathered in and so very few people question it, especially those who spent many years and piles of money obtaining their degrees - they don’t bother to read the early studies of these frauds because there’s no need to; everybody already assumes it’s a fact!

so can something be transmitted between humans? sure - stick a few females in the same household and their menstrual cycles tend to synchronize - is that a virus?

scurvy was once considered to be a virus until someone figured out that vitamin C prevented the disease

during the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918, several experiments were preformed with the goal of proving virus transmission - snot and saliva samples were taken from the diseased and applied to healthy people; healthy people were placed in very close proximity to the sick; healthy people inhaled the exhaled breath of the sick; healthy people breathed in the aerosols from the sick

all experiments failed to make a single healthy person sick

the SARS-CoV-2 virus is imaginary, but the reasons for its conjuring are absolutely real and devastatingly sinister and that is why i feel obligated to share what i know

"[The PCR test is] as good as that Scientology test that detects your personality and then tells you need to give all your money to Scientology." – Dr. David Rasnick, Ph.D., Biochemist, Protease Inhibitor developer, University of California (source)

the COVID-19 “pandemic” (there was never a pandemic) was created using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - the Nobel Prize winning inventor, Kerry Mullis, was very clear when he stated that PCR cannot be used for diagnostic purposes

PCR is kind of like cloning; you take a minute sample of something and you cycle it - each cycle doubles the size of the sample and there is no standard for the cycle count

once you cycle a sample 15 times or so, the results start to get flaky - had people been tested for SARS-CoV-2 using 5 cycles, there would have been virtually no positive results, however many labs were cycling samples upwards of 25 times which virtually guarantees a positive result - even the psychopath so-called “doctor” Fauci admitted that 35 cycles was too many

the COVID-19 pandemic case count was literally created using PCR

Dr. Stephan Lanka, Germany, did what virologists apparently don’t bother to do; he conducted a control experiment and found that virtually any “virus” that one wants to look for in a non-diseased sample can be found using PCR

i’ll end this excessively long post with this…

"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported" – Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) (source)

i have not touched upon the COVID-19 “vaccines” for reasons which may be obvious - i have to assume that some of you have opted to be injected and i’d rather not go down that road, but i will say that, if anyone wants to know more about the shots, learn how to use the CDC VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database

"There are four federal studies that have looked at CDC and said the vaccine program at CDC is a cesspool of corruption." – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., from the forward to the book, Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, 2015 (source)

you will immediately find a deluge of information provided by “fact checkers”, the CDC, the WHO, the FDA, mainstream media, many medical doctors, all virologists, all mainstream social media platforms and many others that will attempt to destroy everything i have brought forth here, but are they correct? put your current beliefs to the test and find out for yourself

following are a few resources that will explain how and why i came to understand what i do…

"All myths of the prevailing corona narrative are made up out of a fact-free vacuum." – Dr. Thomas Binder, immunologist, cardiologist (source)

"The bottom line is simply this: There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game." – Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO, medical director of Western Medical Assessments, during a speech at Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee, 13-Nov-2020 (source)

"Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine." – Dr. David Martin (source)

"This vaccination agenda and program is the greatest threat to humanity." – German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (source)

"Zero justification for using this poison death shot." – Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (source)

"If you don’t agree with Authority, no matter what deductive process/evidence used… this is now a mental disorder." – Ethical Skeptic (source)

"It’s a disease so powerful you have to get tested to know whether or not you have it." – Ryan Dawson, researcher, activist, Anti-Neocon Report (ANC) (source)

"The truth is […] this is a crime against humanity. This is happening all over the world and America needs to take a leadership role and stop the countries like ours that are limiting hydroxychloroquine. It’s killing people not to have access." – Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, Board Certified Emergency Physician (source)

"By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain." – Russell Blaylock, MD (source)

"Wearing a mask is like advertising you failed your IQ test." – Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, Board Certified Emergency Physician (source)

"Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus […]" – U.S. Surgen General (source)

"In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks" – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (source)

"The level of stupidity going on here is amazing." – Michael Levitt, biophysicist, professor of structural biology, Nobel laureate, Stanford University (source)

"Hardly anyone has died from COVID-19." – Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM (source)

"COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless" – Bulgarian Pathology Association (source)

"[Surgical masks/cloth face coverings] Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration." – OSHA, COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (source)

"There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles." – Denis G. Rancourt, Ph.D, Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association ( (source)

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection." – New England Journal of Medicine (source)

"These people are not dying from Covid." – Erin Marie Olszewski, registered nurse, Iraq combat veteran, Elmhurst hospital, New York (source)

"If a patient with a knife sticking out of their chest had sneezed within 14 days of their death then they died of coronavirus." – Dr. Vernon Coleman (source)