18 Years Of Privacy

Today marks the 18th anniversary of our trailblazing privacy policy, put up when Mojeek was an early project. :partying_face: :tada: :piñata: :mirror_ball:

To celebrate 18 years since stating our opposition to ‘big brother’ tactics we’ve created a 10-question quiz, exclusively about Mojeek. This set of questions is hosted on Blocksurvey which provides Private, Secure, and Anonymous Surveys, meaning you don’t have to worry about ads, trackers, or cookies when taking part.

If you can get 8/10 then, providing you want one, there’s a limited edition Mojeek 18th Privacy Anniversary Sticker in it for you. Suitable for your phone, laptop, or whatever other surface you’d like to turn into a commemoration of this original pro-confidentiality stance for a search engine.

You can also do this just for fun, and we’ll be letting you know the answers in time :smile:


Happy Birthday :partying_face: :tada: !!!

Not sure I managed to got 8/10. It didn’t say my score. Wishing much more years to come (so I get another chance at winning a quiz :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Happy Birthday Mojeek. It will be great to see how M. grows.

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Happy Birthday Mojeek.

Welcome @vagh and thanks a lot for the birthday wishes, we’re very proud of this milestone :birthday: