Why does Mojeek Give Me a HTTP 403?

No such thing to us :smiley:

We normally like to work without JavaScript as much as we possibly can, but also a lot of the searches in question come from browser plugins/search bars or similar, and so they don’t type anything into the search box before arriving with a query.

yes, of course - i wasn’t thinking - plus some bots/scripts probably don’t process JS

I got a 403 while searching for Asian carp. I clicked on the “Next” button and received the splash page for automated queries.


Today, I’ve been submitting other queries in a private window so that I could give more targeted feedback on specific issues.

@mike thanks for reporting this. Also acknowledging receipt of “submit feedback” reports. This partiular problem was a rare concidence of factors, and should now be fixed.

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403 while trying to find a working copy of a youtube video - query was:


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Thank you. This does not now bring up a 403.

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When searching for mpeg-la or via-la:


@gnome can you check this now? It should be fixed :pray:

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Looks to be fixed!


Good to hear!

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